Thursday, May 9, 2024

Blog 6 (day 1 &10)

 I have now done my very last observation, along with my mini teach in Mrs.Hall's class. I'm so grateful to now have the experience under my belt and the many ideas for lessons from observing. The last time I went to Mrs.Hall's class the students were learning about the American Revolution. Therefore my lesson that I came up with was a break up letter to Great Britain from the 13 colonies.

As I walked into the classroom I was very nervous about messing up, or the students not enjoying the lesson. However as I began to get in the front of the class and introduce myself it all seemed to go away. After I introduced my self, I asked the students if they had ever wrote a breakup letter or recieved one. Every single student put their hands in the air. 

I then asked the students what  break-up letter contains, what the format typically looks like. Students began raising their hands as  I picked the students one by one to share. "you suck" "were done" "Its not you it's me" were most of the students answers. Which to me was a very funny conversation. I then asked the students what great Britain did to the colonist in order for them to want to "break-up" with great Britain.

I was very surprised as well as proud that all the students had something to say and remembered what the previous lessons about the American Revolution was about. The students answered that Brittan had taxed them too much, killed their men, and gave them no representation in their government. We followed with a class discussion about the American Revolution and compared the two.

I told the students to write about 3 to 5 sentences about it and then when everyone is finished we will share. After about 5 to 10 min I asked who would like to share, and of course everybody raised their hand. Although I couldn't get to them all, the letters were not only hilarious but also related to the prompt perfectly. Not only did I enjoy teaching it to them, but seeing the students laugh and have a fun time with it was definitely the best part.

I am so thankful for being able to go to the middle school and observe/teach. It has been a very educational as well as fun experience. I created many relationships with the kids down there and they even told me after I finished my last day there that they were happy to have me their and that they were gonna miss me. Overall it was a great experience and I can't wait to do it with my own class in the future.

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Blog 6 (day 1 &10)

 I have now done my very last observation, along with my mini teach in Mrs.Hall's class. I'm so grateful to now have the experience ...